6 July 2023News

PartnerRe promotes new head of clients and broker management

PartnerRe has promoted Tom Smith (pictured) to be head of global clients and broker management.

PartnerRe chief executive for P&C and APAC James Beedle said: “Tom has over 20 years’ experience at PartnerRe. His deep understanding of the re/insurance business and his well-established relationships will be valuable assets to the team as we continue to deliver optimised solutions to our global clients and brokers.”

The company said Smith succeeded Fiona Mitchell who is leaving the reinsurance industry.

Smith is based in New York and was previously an account executive for global clients and broker management.

Mitchell said on her LinkedIn page: “After 20+ years in the business I have decided to hang up my reinsurance boots (for now). Thank you to all the amazing business partners and friends I have made along the way. For now it is time for family, travel and indulging in some hobbies!!”

PartnerRe said on its LinkedIn page: “The PartnerRe team would like to thank Fiona and wish her well for the future.”