30 October 2023Feature
Bermuda's at the 'perfect intersection' to lead on climate risk: Jim Nadler
Bermuda's strategic location positions it as an ideal pioneer in addressing the challenges of climate change, with a significant role for the insurance industry to fulfil.
That is the view of Jim Nadler, chief executive officer of ratings agency KBRA, the major sponsor of the Bermuda Climate Summit in June.
In a video interview with Bermuda:Re+ILS for a Voices of Bermuda article, Nadler said the Island’s position as one of the world’s leading re/insurance hubs and the fact it was at the forefront of the effects of climate change was the “perfect intersection”.
To see more of this video interview, click here.
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11 September 2018 Eleven seasoned executives debated the industry’s response to the 2017 cat losses and how the relationship between ILS and traditional reinsurers continues to mature and evolve, at the annual Bermuda:Re+ILS roundtable in association with Markel Reinsurance held in Monte Carlo this week.