Marlin Ramlal
5 October 2023News

WiRe to hold panel on ‘the new risk landscape’

Women in Reinsurance will hold an education forum looking at the state of the property and casualty market as the industry moves into the January 1 renewal season. 

WiRe said the forum, entitled Navigating the New Risk Landscape, will be Monday at 3pm. 

The panel will be made up of Adria Da Breo Richards, SVP head of global clients and director of underwriting at RenaissanceRe, Joy LaHuta, SVP head of claims at Ascot Group, Katie Partington Howarth, chief capital officer at Ariel Re, and Saadia Savory, VP casualty manager at Aspen Bermuda. The panel will be moderated by senior underwriter at MS Reinsurance, Marlín Ramlal. 

Leone Charles, WiRe Events Committee Lead, shared: “WiRe is excited to offer a unique opportunity to hear from panelists who will be approaching the topic of risk with a Bermuda-centric lens. 

“The panel will drive meaningful discussion around evolving loss trends, expectations for the 2024 renewal season and accessing capital.” 

Tickets for the event are available at

The event is hosted by AXA XL with support from WiRe gold partners Chubb, Artex and Vantage. 

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25 April 2023   It will feature executives from Athene Life Re, Athora Life Re and Resolution Re.
28 November 2014   When Hamilton boss Brian Duperreault asked, “Where are the women?” in a speech earlier this year he highlighted the persistent shortage of women in C-suite positions in re/insurance. Bermuda:Re+ILS investigates why this matters and what needs to be done to redress 
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10 January 2023   The award also marks its 15th anniversary of the body.