6 April 2023News

DeNexus launches new version of its cyber platform

DeNexus, a provider of cyber risk modeling that launched in Bermuda in 2022, has launched Version 5.3 of its DeRISK Platform.

DeRISK 5.3 is an evidence-based, data-driven cyber risk quantification and management tool that aims to help the risk transfer community better understand, mitigate and transfer the risks associated with cyber breaches.

DeNexus’ cloud-based technology extracts data directly from an industrial organization’s internal Operational Technology infrastructure, which increases the accuracy in determining the financial impact of a cyber event. This helps (re)insurers and ILS investors commit appropriate risk capacity and develop better solutions to cover cyber risk.

“Insurers, reinsurers and ILS investors need to have confidence in cyber data in the underwriting process, in order to create new cyber offerings with confidence,” said Jose M. Seara, CEO of DeNexus. “The updates to the DeRISK platform were driven by the dynamic nature of cyber risks and give the risk transfer community the ability to better quantify and manage cyber risk exposures on a continuous basis.”

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