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1 November 2024News

New life re/insurer assigned A- rating

AM Best has assigned a Preliminary Credit Assessment to Bermuda-based Fed Re with a Financial Strength Assessment of A- pca (Excellent). The outlook is stable.

Fed Re was licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority in September. 

The PCAs reflect Fed Re’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as strong, as well as its adequate operating performance, neutral business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management.

AM Best said Fed Re is a subsidiary of Federal Life Group, Inc., and its ultimate parent, Insurance Capital Group, LLC (ICG). ICG is an affiliate of Bain Capital, and Fed Re is an affiliate of Federal Life Insurance Company (Fed Life).

"Fed Re has a growing premium base and high dependence on sourcing reinsurance transactions to gain scale," AM Best said. "Management projections are based on multi-year guaranteed annuity flows from Fed Life, as well as lead generation for reinsurance transactions from ICG. 

"The company will focus on MYGAs written by multinational carriers and life products with lower risk profiles. An experienced management team supports Fed Re’s ability to meet growth plans."

The PCAs also reflected AM Best’s expectation that Fed Re’s risk-adjusted capitalisation, as measured by Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR), will remain in the strongest category and that Fed Re will have a continued trend of profitable premium growth and capital expansion, both organically and through contributions, as set forth by management in its business plans. 

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