Rising Star Curran Trenouth
The RenaissanceRe senior accountant says his generation are problem-solvers.
Curran Trenouth made the move from auditing to being a senior accountant at RenaissanceRe. The 29-year-old senior accountant at RenaissanceRe says young professionals are well equipped to solve problems posed by emerging threats.
Give us a snapshot of your career to date.
After I graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Accounting Degree, I took on roles in personal tax accounting and auditing to earn my accreditation as a CPA. From there, I accepted a contract at KPMG in Bermuda in their audit division, which ultimately brought me to my current role as a Senior Accountant at RenaissanceRe.
How did you come to choose a career in re/insurance?
Accepting a role at an audit firm in Bermuda means you get to choose between banking or re/insurance clients. I chose the latter as it was completely unfamiliar to me and meant a new opportunity for learning and growth. The fact that I have stayed in the industry for 5 years now makes me think it chose me!
What makes the re/insurance industry attractive to young professionals?
The re/insurance industry is increasingly appealing to young professionals due to its vital role in global stability and economic resilience. Young individuals recognise the significant impact of the products offered by re/insurance companies on everything from individual financial security to the survival of large corporations. It is a high energy industry, from the networking, to the renewals push, to the last minute catastrophe event adjustments, and young individuals have the energy to match.
What are the opportunities and challenges you’ve faced?
Moving to Bermuda was both a challenge and an opportunity for me. I was moving to a new country where I knew nobody and had no experience in re/insurance. However, that gave me the opportunity to challenge myself and learn something new, and embed myself into new relationships and networks.
Was there someone who inspired you or acted as a mentor in your career?
I’ve been fortunate to have had many roles where the leaders at the company inspire through example. I would also credit my mother for being a big inspiration to me. She instilled the very best qualities in me and is wiser than she would ever let on. Keith McCue at RenaissanceRe also deserves a shoutout for taking all young employees under his wing!
What differences does your generation bring to the industry?
My generation is in a unique position to be problem solvers of emerging threats. We have what is known, whether it’s climate change rapidly accelerating the frequency and severity of catastrophe events, or the decline in birth rates in certain countries shifting the economic landscape, and we have the unknown, like the race to put a person on another planet, or the possibility of a full‐scale network hacking. And there are so many different young professionals who are entering this industry with new perspectives on ways we can tackle these issues, so that we can adapt and mitigate losses as best as we can.
Is the industry welcoming to younger people?
Absolutely. Particularly in regions like Bermuda, there is a strong culture of nurturing young talent within the re/insurance industry. Opportunities for mentorship and professional development are readily available, starting from high school and extending throughout one's career trajectory. And as we’ve seen in the past few years, the increased ability to work globally in this industry is extremely attractive to young individuals, who seek experiences in different communities and cultures.
What are your career goals?
Ultimately I hope to be a leader in the industry, to have the longevity to have seen recognisable change in the industry, and to donate my time to help the people of the community I am in.
If you had chosen a different career, what would it have been?
If the first, most generic response is a pro golfer, then I will go with the second, a pro tennis player! I’ve been obsessed with both sports from an early age ‐ it was truly inspiring as a kid to watch the likes of Tiger Woods and Roger Federer dominate the grass.
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